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Përveç kërkesave të cekura më poshtë, njëri vend pune kërkon zotërim të rrjedhshëm të gjuhës shqipe. За нас ВИП маркет 5 е технички најоптимизираниот сајт за огласи во Македонија — предводник на современото е-огласување. Moznost za preku vremena rabota po dogovor Објавено од: Објавено на: 23. Во 1884-та година нераспаднатите свети мошти на Света Петка се пренесени и изложени во Соборната црква на градот Јаш каде што се наоѓаат и денес.
To apply for vacancies, please email your CV and cover letter to macedoniarecruit chemonics. Девица Ќе имате многу контакти, средби и сето тоа целосно ќе делува врз вашато расположение.
ВИДЕО: Муковски ја запеа химната од говорница, па гласаше за - Компанијата е една од водечките ИТ компании во регионот во делот на изработка, проектирање и интеграција на нисконапонски системи, оптички мрежи, комплексна инфраструктура, резервно напојување, електрични инсталации, FTTH комуникација, дата центри и друго. Докажано искуство во управување со грантови, со фокус на навремено обезбедување на набавки, финансии, логистика согласно спецификациите на одобрената активност.
KAM e единствен синџир но маркети во Македонија кој ги применува европските принципи на хард-дисконт: висок квалитет и постојано ниски цени. Располагаме со широко распространето мрежа од 57 маркети, со најголема посетеност од 1. Заради натамошен развој, нашата компанија има потреба од кандидати а следниве позиции: Директор на набавки Вие треба да ја преземете одговорноста за редовна и сигурна набавка, квалитети најповолна цена. Дополнително се исплаќа бонус на крајот на годината. Работно време: од 08:00 до 16:00 часот од понеделник до петок. Ваш профил: - високо образование од областа на економија или маркетинг менаџмент; - работно искуство во областа на маркетинг минимум 5 години; - искуството стекнато ва маркетинг агенција ќе се смета за предност; - имате одлично познавање но MS Office, особено напредно познавање на MS Office Excel, Illustrator, CorelDraw, Photoshop; - имате одлично познавање на англиски и германски јазик - самостоен сте и ориентиран кон резултати; - имате одлични комуникациски, организациски, презентерски способности и чувство за естетика и уредност. Основната нета плата предвидено за оваа позиција е 60. Работно време: од 08:00 до 16:00 часот од понеделник да петок. Доколку сте во потрага по нови професионални предизвици, мотивирани сте и подготвени за нови успеси, испратете Ваша биографија CV на долунаведената е-пошта или адреса. Рокот за пријавување е најдоцна до 10. Само избраните кандидати ќе бидат контактирани. КАМ ДОО Скопје ул. Од претпријатието велат дека мора така да се постапува поради тоа што не е обезбедено сервисирање за автобусите. Портпаролката на ЈСП Скопје, Деспина Трајковска, вели дека поголемиот број од новите градски автобуси кои се пуштаат во сообраќај постојано се расипуваат, а пак останатите се демонтирани и од нив се земаат делови за да се поправат автобусите што треба да се пуштат на линиите. Од претпријатието велат дека ваквата ситуација е наследена од претходното раководство. Тие биле купени прескапо, а квалитетот не ја оправдува цената. Сепак, и покрај ваквата наследена состојба со возилата, раководството на ЈСП успева да го одржи јавниот превоз во нормален тек. Јавното сообраќајно претпријатие Скопје секојдневно пушта во редовен сообраќај 272 градски автобуси. Од нив 200 се двокатни автобуси од Кина, од кои 20 отсто постојано се расипуваат. Од 16-те двокатни панорамски, само два се во функција. ЈСП има на располагање 20 од постарите автобуси, кои ги пушта на линиите кога ќе се расипат поновите. Двокатните автобуси од Кина и 80 автобуси од Украина ја чинеа претходната влада околу 40 милиони евра. Набавката е извршена во 2011 година во времето кога министер за транспорт и врски беше Миле Јанакиески. Денеска се празнува Преподобна Параскева-Петковден. Во народот позната како света Петка. Родена е кон крајот на деветиот или пак на почетокот на десетиот век во градот Епифат кој што се наоѓа помеѓу градот Силимвије и Цариград,на ден петок па и отаму доаѓа и нејзиното име Параскева што во превод од грчкиот јазик значи петок. Потекнува од чесно и имотно христијанско семејство и со одобрение на нејзините родители нејзиниот постар брат Јефтимиј прво се замонашил а подоцна станал епископ Мадитски. Православните верници ќе ја прославуваат света Петка. Ова е еден од празниците што нашиот народ најмногу ги прославува, а познат е и како Петковден. Се празнува во секој крај. Секаде има свои обичаи, но сите носат вино, лепче и пченица во црква. Во народните верувања се вели дека денес не се работат тешки рачни работи, посебно жените не треба да месат леб и да перат, зошто се вели дека ќе им трнат рацете цела година. Нејзиниот живот бил исполнет со молитви и работа,по смрта на нејзините родители поради Христа заминала на поклонение во Цариград,потоа престојува во Халкедонскиот манастир а од таму заминува во Ираклија каде што пет години престојува во Богородичната црква. Од Ираклија заминува во Светата земја и таму останува до својата длабока старост живејќи во подвизи,пост и молитви. Две години пред нејзината смрт и се јавил ангел кој што и рекол дека треба да се врати во својот роден град,каде што на земјата ќе и го предаде телото а душата на Господа. По нејзиното враќање во родниод град Епифат веќе никој неможел да ја препознае бидејќи немала роднини а и неколку децении била отсатна од градот. Крајот на својот живот го минала со работа,пост и молитви без да дознаат нејзините сограѓани која е. Бидејќи нејзините сограѓани ја сметале за туѓинка по нејзината смрт ја погребале надвор од христијанските гробишта. После многу години од нејзината смрт во градот требало да се погреба давеник,бидејќи тој бил туѓинец решиле да го погребаат надвор од гробиштата и тоа на истото место каде што била погребана светицата. Кога го отвориле нејзиниот гроб забележале дека нејзиното тело не е распаднато ама на тоа не обрнале внимание,го положиле удавениот морнар врз неа и го го затвориле гробот. Ноќта на еден од работниците кој што учествувал на погребот по име Георгије на сон му се јавила светицата облеана со светлина,седната на царски трон и опкружена со војници. Еден од војниците му се доближил,го фатил за рака и му рекол дека многу згрешиле тоа што го сториле претходниот ден. Потоа станала Преподобната Мајка му кажала која е и со зборовите дека неможе повеќе да ја трпи смрдеата на телото на удавениот морнар,му наредила да ги извадат нејзините мошти и да ги положат на некое чесно место. Утредента Георгије им го раскажал сонот на неговите роднини и сите заедно веднаш се упатиле кон гробиштата. Кога пристигнале таму виделе насобрано многу луѓе,истиот сон го сонувала и една жена по име Јефтимија. Насобраната маса решила да ги откопа моштите на светицата и да ги погреба во Епифат во црквата св. Веднаш по овој настан почале да се случуваат разни чудесија и исцелувања. Два века по смрта на Света Петка со Цариград владееле крстоносците,па во 1238-та година бугарскиот цар Јован Асен успеал од нив да ги преземе светите мошти и да ги пренесе во својата престолнина Трново. По Косовската битка и Трново паѓа во рацете на Османлиите и моштите на Света Петка се пренесени во Романија. Потоа во 1396-та година и Романија паѓа во Османлиски раце тогаш српската царица Милица го замолила султанот Бајазит да ги пренесе светите мошти во Србија. Султанот се согласил со тоа и моштите на светицата биле пренесени во Белград на месноста Калемегдан. Кога во 1521-та година султанот Сулејман втори го завзел Белград,ги запленил светите мошти на Света Петка и ги однел во Цариград. Таму почнале да се слушуваат чудесни работи па и покрај христијаните светицата ја славеле и муслиманите. Во 1884-та година нераспаднатите свети мошти на Света Петка се пренесени и изложени во Соборната црква на градот Јаш каде што се наоѓаат и денес. Светата Православна Црква празнува три личности со исто име Петка македонски односно Параскева грчки ,поради што во народот се мешаат или пак се мисли дека се работи за иста личност. Петка-Параскева се нарекува св. Нејзиниот спомен се празнува на 26-ти јули по стар стил,или 8-ми август по нов стил. Петка-Параскева се нарекува св. Таа исто како и првата маченички загинала за време на царот Диоклецијан. Нејзиниот спомен се празнува на 28-ми октомври по стар стил,или 10-ти ноември по нов стил. Ден пред овој голем празник, треба веднаш после вечерата да се оди на писење. Задолжителном три пати прекрстете се, па изговорете молитва. Овен Некоја деловна понуда многу ќе ве заинтересира, но одлуката ќе биде тешка. Енергијата ви е на ниско ниво, па затоа ве советуваме да не се напрегате премногу. Материјалната состојба нема да ве загрижува. Во љубовта бидете потолерантни ако сакате да ја сочувате. Бик Ве советуваме да бидете што поотворени кон другите луѓе, особено кон оние кои многу ви се важни. Ако нешто не ве остава на мир или поради нешто сте нерасположени, сега е вистински момент да промените нешто. Ова е одличен викенд за проучување и самоанализа. Близнаци Би било идеално ако можете денска потполно да се посветите на работниот живот. Морате да заборавите на се што ве измачува и потполно да и се посветите на работата. Иако на почеток нема да видите резулатати сепак издржете и не се разочарувајте. Рак Некои работи ќе ве прават доста немирни и ќе ви создаваат фрустрации, но ќе имате и причини за задоволство. Ќе имате добри контакти со важни луѓе, а некои ќе се обидат да ви помогнат, па затоа е многу важно да можете да ги препознаете добрите намери Лав Извршувањето на работните задачи ќе ви одземе поголем дел од викендот, а слободно време ќе имате малку. Побарајте помош ако ви е потребна. Односите со партнерот ви се на добро ниво, особено ако е личност родена во вашиот знак. Девица Ќе имате многу контакти, средби и сето тоа целосно ќе делува врз вашато расположение. Ќе имате можност за некоја промена што со задоволство ќе ја прифатите надевајќи се на поголема заработувачка. И нема да згрешите. Вага Ќе ви излезат некои непланирани работи на професионален план. Тоа од вас ќе бара многу енергија и трпение. Но не очајувајте, ве очекува награда од претпоставените. Можни се некои помали финансиски издатоци. Што се однесува до љубовта се е во најдобар ред. Скорпија Ве очекува разврска на емотивното поле. Викендов е добар и за нови почетоци во љубовта , па соберете храброст и пријдете и на личноста која ве привлекува. Што се однесува до деловното поле тука постои можност за потпишување на договори, трговски зделки или пак можеби некое пократко патување. Стрелец Можностите за деловен успех и професионален напредок денес ви се исклучително поволни, само треба да најдете најдобар начин да ги искористите. Ако сте амбициозни и имате силна волја и јака дисциплина успехот ви е загарантиран. Со партнерот и пријателите добро ќе се разбирате. Јарец Во кариерата ви нараснуваат проблемите. Доаѓате до една таква состојба во која не ќе можете да излезете на крај со обврските. Имате доста тешкотии и ќе морате да се откажете од нешто. Водолија Контактите ви се подобруваат особено со соработниците и претпоставените. Секако дека треба да е присутна извесна доза на претпазливост. Ве очекуваат некои промени во блиската околина. Прифатете се иако не ви се допаѓа- нема да зажалите. Риби Сентиментално сте расположени, пристапни не само за туѓи проблеми туку и за туѓите расположенија. Па затоа одбирајте поведри луѓе, смејте се и радувајте се бидејќи тоа е вистинскиот лек за вашата душа. Луѓето со негативна енергија одбегнувајте ги — само можат да ви наштетат.
Рак Некои работи ќе ве прават доста немирни и ќе ви создаваат фрустрации, но ќе имате и причини за задоволство. Како додаток на барањата наведени подолу, за една позиција е потребно активно познавање на албански јазик. Две години пред нејзината смрт и се јавил ангел кој што и рекол дека треба да се врати во својот роден град,каде што на земјата ќе и го предаде телото а душата на Господа. Rabotno vreme od 8-12 h. Ndihmon stafin e programit, dhe grantmarrësit nëse është e nevojshme, ndihmon me përgatitjen e raportit për të siguruar se raportet i përfshijnë rezultatet dhe impaktin. Од претпријатието велат дека ваквата ситуација е наследена од претходното раководство. Вага Ќе ви излезат некои непланирани работи на професионален план. Потоа во 1396-та година и Романија паѓа во Османлиски раце тогаш српската царица Милица го замолила султанот Бајазит да ги пренесе светите мошти во Србија.
SOLUTION: the children in a family comprise both boys and girls. Each boy has as many brother as sisters, but each girl has half as many sisters as brothers. how many boys and how many girls
They aren't going to last, so forget about him. Also, our moms met and apparently she told her mom about me not sure what she said, but I think she just said I was smart and took hard classes and i'm also half korean, like her.. The thing that brought us together is the fact that our exes cheated and lied to us in the exact same way.
What is missing from this list? CLICK THE IMAGE TO LEARN HOW TO GET LAID ON TINDER Join The Revolution Subscribe now and get instant access to the latest, cutting edge tips on mind, body, spirit, money, women and lifestyle. I don't think so.
Brother and sister swap sex after coming out as transgender just a month apart - If she had a reason to ask for your number, then that's most likely why she asked.
For men, understanding women is like trying to bench press a hippo; it's almost impossible. Women are a mystery to the male mind, an enigma that our rational minds must solve. Unfortunately, that will never happen. It is an enigma that will remain as long as the human race remains. Women will always remain a mystery, and men will always stand around scratching their heads trying to figure them out. According to psychologist Albert Mehrabian in a discussion on ways people are attracted to one another, verbal responses account for 7% of that attraction, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55%. In other words, don't rely only on what a woman is saying to know if she's into you or not. Listen to the tone of her voice, and more importantly, pay close attention to her reactions. The following points highlight the key areas to watch for and will explain briefly why they are important. Positive body language is a strong indicator that she's into you. If she likes you, she'll show it through the way she acts and through how she positions her body when she's with you. Eye contact, gently leaning in towards you when you talk, playing with her hair, touching her face; these are the types of things that she'll do when she's interested. In her eyes, you stand out from the crowd. You have something interesting to say, and she's hooked. By itself, this doesn't indicate that she's attracted to you in a romantic way, it only means that she's highly interested in you as a person. Remember, all of these things go together. She has to be interested in you as a person in order for her to be attracted to you romantically. This means she trusts you. She isn't afraid to be herself around you. Through your actions and your body language, you've made her feel valued as a human being, and not just as a one night stand. This is called flirting. Most people have a natural desire to keep others out of their personal space. You know how it is; how many times have you felt uncomfortable when a strange person gets too close to you? We only let those in who we are more comfortable with. When a woman is attracted to you, she feels comfortable enough with you that she'll initiate moving into your space, or she'll allow you into hers. Typically, giggling is a mixture of attraction and nervousness. When a woman laughs, it means that she has found something funny to laugh at. When she giggles, it's more personal, more in depth; it's like she's released her inner child for a brief moment. She's a little nervous, a little shy, but not so much that it incapacitates her. She finds you attractive and can respect your sense of humor. When a woman calls you crazy, or silly, or funny, or even cute, there's a good chance she's into you. It's the same way we used to play as children: running around the playground, catching cooties from the girls, poking fun at them because we secretly like them. The adult world really isn't that different. Only this time, we want to catch cooties. If a woman is interested in you, she will make herself available. In other words, she'll give you her phone number or email address, and will quickly rush to answer or return your call. When you offer her an opportunity to hang out with you, she will just as quickly accept - even if she already had plans. If she couldn't break those plans, then she'll offer another day in exchange. So maybe you're wondering whether someone you've known for awhile is interested. Unless you're on a college campus, or live in a very small town, this generally doesn't happen that often. Occasionally, it does, but if she maneuvers her way through a crowd just to be close to you, or finds out that you're going to the pool hall and shows up exactly the same time you do, there's a good chance she's into you. The only reason a woman would either give you her phone number, email or other contact information is because she wants future contact with you. A woman would not ask you to 'hang out' if she wasn't attracted to you in some way. I would be remiss in pointing this out, but it always surprises me how many people miss this. The tips presented here are worthless. That's right, the advice here is just about as worthless as a plot in a porno. Sure, there may be some truth in the statements above, but relying on those things alone is no guarantee that she's attracted to you. All women are different. Each individual has different ways of showing that they are interested. There is no magical formula that will ever tell you for certain if a woman is interested in you or not. If anyone ever tells you any different, they're lying. As with most things in life, you simply have to rely on your gut instinct. If you think she's interested then ask her out. Occasionally, you will get rejected. This is normal, and, in fact, expected. At the same time, remember that if she turns you down then you two would have never made a good match anyway. Move on, and keep dating until you find the woman who completes you. As always, I wish you the best. Other guys get girlfriends, dates, etc. I am of zero interest to any woman and this is a fact that can't be changed. It's hard to accept that nobody will ever want me, but no matter what I do, I'll never be able to compete successfully for a woman's interest against any other guy because every other guy is more attractive than me. That too, is a simple fact. So check this out.. I used to always see really hot chicks walking around with really, really ugly guys. I always wondered how the hell they scored a 10. I started watching those guys closer. I wanted to be like that. The thing I noticed was this: They were all funny, or witty, or charming, or interesting.. I had a good buddy that was like that. It was a guy I worked with - ugly as hell, but he always had a hot chick with him. Watching what he did, he always teased, but then would come back with something sweet.. Thing is, it's not how you look - it IS about confidence. If you believe you're ugly and you believe that that's the only thing people focus on, you'll always struggle. You have to figure out what makes you attractive; what is it that you have that makes you, you. Only way to do that is to get out and try different things. If you fail, so what? You'll learn something from it and you'll gain a little confidence. That's a decision up to you man.. Every other guy and I mean every other guy is incomparably more attractive than me no matter what I look like, do or say. I am the most unattractive man possible, and nothing I could ever do could change this. This is not to do with confidence, it's simple fact - as such I never talk to women - why bother? Approaching someone for the first time is a lot different than trying to figure out if there's a connection. Playful teasing comes after you get to know her a little. A good way to know if she likes you is that she teases back, or better yet, begins the teasing. You joke with her, she jokes with you, playfully hits your arm, smiles, etc.. If she doesn't do those things, accept that she's just not into you - smile, nod, and walk away. So to define the difference between assault and teasing... Social media posts would be perfectly allowable in that case. You just want another free drink.. Along those same lines, people will post on social media what they will post. If you're being a creep, then there should be a worry. But, you also can't let those fears stop you from getting out there and meeting people. OK - you mean YOU are not talking about assault... I don't think so. Society has shown in the last few years that guys who dare approach women are regularly pilloried on social media and thus socially and professionally done with before the woman even decides whether she'll report anything. Nope - I'm not about to put myself up to be destroyed for just saying a friendly 'Hi'... Think back to when you were in grade school.. It's that very fear of rejection that stops people. Over the years, things happen that erode our confidence; people are scared of rejection. First rule, build your confidence. If a girl wants to play, great! If not, fine, there's another girl around the corner. There's always another playground. I've never once went to jail for asking a girl out. Sure, I may have been laughed at a few times - I mean, I'm not even close to a 10, but that doesn't stop me from trying. If she's not comfortable with you teasing and playing with her, you'll know. She'll tell you, either verbally or with body language. On the other hand, you never know, she may enjoy it! That's where you need to know how to recognize if she's interested in you or not. Make a joke, she laughs then hits you in the arm.. Make a joke and she just stands there, smile, nod, and wish her a nice day. We're not talking about assult here, just playful teasing. When you show her that you have confidence, there's a good chance that you'll get a date. Man, before you even think about going after a chick though, you really need to build up your confidence level. Surprisingly, I used to be what you would call an extreme introvert. I'd piss my pants even getting close to a girl. But, I put myself in situations where I had to meet people and had to interact.. It wasn't easy, but well worth it. Now, I can stand up in front of 200 people and not blink. If you've never tried, then you have no idea what works. Get out there, try, fail, pick yourself up, try again.. It'll happen, just takes time. Think back to when you were in grade school.. It's that very fear of rejection that stops people. Over the years, things happen that erode our confidence; people are scared of rejection. First rule, build your confidence. If a girl wants to play, great! If not, fine, there's another girl around the corner. There's always another playground. I've never once went to jail for asking a girl out. Sure, I may have been laughed at a few times - I mean, I'm not even close to a 10, but that doesn't stop me from trying. If she's not comfortable with you teasing and playing with her, you'll know. She'll tell you, either verbally or with body language. On the other hand, you never know, she may enjoy it! That's where you need to know how to recognize if she's interested in you or not. Make a joke, she laughs then hits you in the arm.. Make a joke and she just stands there, smile, nod, and wish her a nice day. We're not talking about assult here, just playful teasing. When you show her that you have confidence, there's a good chance that you'll get a date. Man, before you even think about going after a chick though, you really need to build up your confidence level. Surprisingly, I used to be what you would call an extreme introvert. I'd piss my pants even getting close to a girl. But, I put myself in situations where I had to meet people and had to interact.. It wasn't easy, but well worth it. Now, I can stand up in front of 200 people and not blink. If you've never tried, then you have no idea what works. Get out there, try, fail, pick yourself up, try again.. It'll happen, just takes time. That's the main problem right there. Seriously, with that attitude, you're right. Life is 90% attitude and 10% reality; it's all perception. If you walk around thinking like that, that's all people will see. Right now, it sounds like a confidence problem more than anything. Now if you start projecting confidence, that will be a whole new game. Get a little cocky.. You're not out there to get married and have 20 kids; get out and just have fun. Don't worry what people will think of you, that doesn't matter. What matters is you being you. Now, get out and start meeting people. Put yourself in situations where you're not comfortable and keep doing that. You'll start to gain more confidence; man, I've been there. You'll go through hell for awhile.. Get your confidence up. If you keep giving up, you'll never get anywhere. As I said, If you believe that it's going to be a 100% chance of failure, that's all you'll see. Life is 10% what really happens, and 90% attitude. I do have the look I want - and get complimented regularly by women on my clothes, shoes, etc. None of this does anything for my confidence at all, which stands at 0. I firmly believe that no matter what I do, say, wear, etc. As such, I believe - as I said before - rejection is 100% guaranteed, so there's absolutely no point in asking any woman out. I used to be very shy and introverted but then I forced myself to put myself into situations where I had to interact. At first, it was daunting, but the more that I did it, the easier it got. The biggest key here is confidence; if you don't push yourself to gain that confidence, you'll always face rejection. There's always a certain amount of fear involved, but it gets easier over time. As you build your confidence then you'll start to notice a change. The dating world will open up significantly. You may not notice at first, but with confidence also comes appeal. How I did it was easy on the surface, but very intimidating internally. First, look at yourself in the mirror and imagine who you want to be. Then go out and set that image; change your style, get a new haircut, new clothes, focus on getting that image you want. Once you look better, you'll feel better. Now that you have the look, find situations to force yourself to interact. Say hi to everyone you meet; it's an easy start and will get you used to interacting. Then get involved with clubs or other activities where you're forced to talk to people. Forget what they think of you; just be yourself. Eventually you'll form your own little clique. As you build confidence, put yourself into more intimidating places. Once you have the look you want and have built up your confidence, you'll start to see little clues that she's interested. When that happens, take action.. Go through a few failures, see what works, and then you'll hit that one that does work.. The biggest thing here is to have fun - don't worry about what people think of you; it's your life, live it how you want. If you believe that it's going to be a 100% chance of failure, that's all you'll see. Life is 10% what really happens, and 90% attitude. As a very shy and introverted guy, I never ask women out because rejection is always guaranteed. Given this, I see no point in doing something which is 100% guaranteed to be doomed to failure. Then ignores you when she sees you next and keeps a distance then makes you think what's the point... Anyway it was really interesting and yes based on real life facts. I have been married for 23 been together for a total of 26 years and I will tell you that I hope there is never a need for me to return to the dating scene. It just seems a little more complicated these days. I sit an d listen to the women at my work talk, in the break room, about their dating adventures and cannot help but ask myself if women were like this back then too. If so, I would be torn up alive in the dating marked these days. What I noticed is that by far the biggest indications that she likes you is her availability and being close to you... But only in the initial weeks of meeting her! One must always consider the context. Really, you're showing this chick that you have confidence - you're showing her that you're not afraid to flirt with other girls, that if she want's You then she's going to have to try a little harder. As far as the friend that you're hitting on, don't let it get that far. As soon as her friend starts thinking that you're into her, back off, she'll get the hint. The point is to do it just enough so that the chick that you're into sees your confidence, but not enough to give the friend the wrong idea. As I've said, it's all about confidence. If you have it, people will notice. If you don't have it - get it. Building up that confidence level is easy to do, but that's something that you have to decide on doing. The best that anyone can say is this: take a shot. If it works out, great! Hell, if you miss, move on.. The Friend Zone is not a good place to be, but there's always a way out. But, what a girl says she wants and what she actually does want are two different things. And I want a chick that likes to use my cracker jacks as a punching bag. No, what a girl is attracted to is confidence, humor, and - like men - they want the chase; the thrill of excitement. Don't get me wrong, a girl does want a guy to listen to her, and they do like the nice guy routine occasionally, but that's not All they want. So here's the thing, to get out of the friend zone, step up your game, but while you're doing that, walk away. Make her laugh, bust on her a little, embarrass her a little.. When you're done, step back, give her room to think about you. Even better, do the same thing with one of her friends, even if you don't like her friend. Make a game out of it. The friend zone is a hard place to get out of, but it's not impossible. If you can't get out of that friend zone, move on. Good luck with things.. There's a rule you should never break - if a chick is with another dude, walk away. If she cheats on him to be with you, later on down the road, she'll cheat on you to be with someone else. It's a vicious cycle, and chicks like that need to be tied up to the rear of a car as it's speeding down a gravel road. Ok, maybe that's too much, but the point is, stay away. Reves, I agree here.. Thing is, there's no one way to know if she's interested - you have to use your gut, suck it in, and take the plunge. The tips here are just the starting place. Pebox, as I've said before, first read this article: and then read this article: Once you get done then forget about the two-faced chick and move on with life. In the long run, you want someone who's going to be stable; who will be the same person no matter who they are with. That's different if you're just looking for a Friday night fling, something to get your mud-flaps in the groove, but if you're looking for long-term, find someone who's worth it. Jen, sorry chicka, but that's just not how the real world works. Picture it: Some dude has the hots for a fine girl. She's been makin' all the moves, but he's still not sure. Most likely, the guy will never hear from her again. Because just by asking that simple question all the confidence she's perceived that he has is gone. I mean, really, if you have to ask, there's something wrong. Instead of wearing the wussy-pants, put on some man-jeans and make the move. If she's giving out the signals then there's no reason not to give it a try. If you get rejected, hell, it happens - that's life. Build a bridge and get over it.. Knowing what works and what doesn't builds confidence, and it allows you to get to know yourself better. The bottom line is this: If you don't try, you'll live with the regret of not trying for the rest of your life. I can tell by her body language and the way she interacts with me; eye contact, unnecesary touching, hugging, etc... But I recently found out she has a boyfriend-- who's a tacky dressed, over-confident punk! Do I hang out with her and her family as a friend, until or if she decides to go with me, or stop pursuing altogether? Perhaps I could cease and resume the pursuit after she brakes up with tricky dick. Ok, first, I'm glad to know you're from Michigan, but that really doesn't have any bearing on anything. Now, getting to the real issue here.. If she had a reason to ask for your number, then that's most likely why she asked. With the little smiley's, hell, chicks do that all the time. Then again, she says that to everyone. Look, it'd be different if she was calling you at 1 am and wanted to talk all night long.. As far as her moving her body in, that's normal conversation; that's a sign that someone is interested in what you're saying, or so that they can hear you better. That along isn't enough to prove that she's giving all the classic signs of being attracted to you. There's a point where normal body language becomes flirtatious body language. One or two occasionally sometimes does not mean that a chick is into you - it's a constant thing. If she likes you then she would tease you, flirt with you, touch you, etc. Remember when you were in first grade and the chicks would run away because they said you had cooties? It's the same thing, but on an adult level. Instead of child's play, think of it as flirtatious play. Just remember, this works both ways.. Sometimes, if you're into a chick as much as you say you are then it's up to you to move things to the next level. If you don't like a chick in the same way that she likes you, be up front and tell her about it. You may occasionally get slapped, but it's better to avoid situations like those. Trust me, I know.. Last time I made that mistake I was talking all high and squeaky for a week. If it causes problems with the chick that you do like - so be it. There's thousands of people out there, if one can't accept you for who you are then move on to the next. Eventually, you'll find the right fit, and, you'll have a hell of a lot of fun along the way! I live in Michigan Thanks! So, you know the chick I like, well her sister asked me to the junior high dance today. I like her sister as a friend but not that much. The reason for this is that I was kind of a jerk to Izzie her sister and then she gave me a note that said she wanted to be my friend again and I said yes. I think she took that a little too seriously. Anyway, what should I do? Please answer this because the dance is on Friday. These are classic signs of a chick liking you. Based on what you said, yeah, man, she's into you. But look, 8th grade.. Man, this is the time to have fun. Explore a bit - figure out what works with chicks and what doesn't. Obviously, you're doing something right, but don't get fixated on one girl. There will be time for that later on.. Generally, all women look for the same thing - they want a guy who is confident, funny, and successful. Confidence is something that's either there or not, no matter what age you are. A shy guy at 20 has just as much of a chance as a guy at 60 - pretty much none. The thing is, if you're not confident enough to approach a woman, then you'll never met her. If you do manage to approach her and just stand there babbling like an idiot, that's what you'll be seen as. However, if you walk up to her, knowing what you want, and start carrying on a good conversation with her then you'll be seen as confident - and that's a major attraction for her. Now if you walk up to her and make her laugh, well, that's just icing on the cake. We've all had those conversations before where someone goes on and on about things we simply don't care about. By the end, we're tempted to find a noose and stick our heads in it. When you first meet a chick, they don't care about you, they care about how you make them feel. It's a sad fact, but it's the truth. If you make them feel good, if you make them laugh, then that gives them a reason to be attracted to you, which also gives them a reason to care about you. Again, this is true no matter what age you are, just the dynamics change. Finally, success is really the only thing that's different as you age. In high school, success is defined by how popular you are, or how athletic you are, or even how confident you are. When you get older, success is defined by how you've handled your life, how much debt you owe, or, again, how confident you are. Sometimes success is measured by material wealth, but most of the time, it's measured by how you handle yourself - how you appear. At 18, you can appear successful wearing baggy jeans that show off your ass crack, but at 50, show up in something like that and you're considered a bum. In all, the rules are always the same; be confident and make her laugh - it doesn't matter what age you are. He said, and then she said, and then.. Grow a pair, walk up to her, and talk to her. Even if she does like you now, it won't last for long if you have to use other people as a crutch. The thing is this; you won't know if she likes you or not until you ignore what other people say and find out for yourself. Shyguy, It sounds like you missed your cue. It happens; hell, I've been there before. Now you say you met this chick online, which is cool, but the problem with meeting people online is that it raises their expectations of you. See, online, you were the outgoing, confident, slightly cocky guy that all girls want, and she expected that in real life. Yeah, big turn off. My suggestion is to take your losses and move on. The biggest thing that you need to do is overcome your shyness. Again, I've been there - it's not fun when you're begging for a date.. You need to build up your confidence. It's not easy, but it's something that you need to do. Without confidence, you'll end up turning into that 40 year old dweeb that's never gotten any. That's just not cool. Remember, 99% of everything is confidence and attitude. Most of the time, however, she tries to steal my backpack. I've known her for four or five years maybe and I sort of like her. I am a teen, 8th grade, and I've never dated before. She never does this to anyone else and I know she has experience with this kind of thing. Sometimes, no quite often, at lunch, she steals my fork or spoon or messes with my food on my plate. At the beginning the year she was dating one of my best friends, but I'm not sure if they are still at it. I don't want to ask him because that would be suspicious. Several times I think she may have been looking at me at lunch, but I'm not sure. I know if I see her looking or smiling at me I should smile back. But, my real question is DOES SHE LIKE ME? If she does, should I ask her out or wait for her to make the first move? Most of the time, however, she tries to steal my backpack. I've known her for four or five years maybe and I sort of like her. I am a teen, 8th grade, and I've never dated before. So then the girl I like asked another friend in the same class.. He said that i told him not to tell anyone.. We met on an onlinedating site, she had no picture, I had one. She had a cool profile so I wrote her anyways, after a couple of messages I realized she has an outstanding personality. She looks absolutely stunning. We wrote on Facebook like one message per day playful and teasing messages until we met 2 weeks later. We spent an enjoyable evening. To my surprise she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek telling me I was smelling good, she physically teased me a couple of times, she changed her place to sit closer to me when we were in the restaurant with some dumb excuse , she was smiling at me like the whole evening, she was genuinely interested and asking stuff about my work. However I was overwhelmed and somewhat passive, even when we had a walk after dinner where she put her arm on my shoulder as support while testing the thickness of a frozen surface I couldn't overcome my shyness to take her hand or something. Obviously I also didn't kiss her when we said goodbye even though I knew she wouldn't reject it. Besides the fact that I'm an idiot, do you think that my behaviour scared her off or should I assume that she? Comparing this with your signal list, this is almost as much of signals as one can get. So what do you think, can this still work or is it likely that she will move on? You went for it, but when a chick's already with someone it's always a little tricky.. And hell, chicks will do this to - they'll flirt and tease and all of that just to mess with ya. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. But, you never know unless you try. Most guys just sit back and fantasize about doing something. So i'll just go do whatever sounds fun. It's awkward asking my parents because they're sort of biased obviously and I need some serious criticism to keep me on track, not just agreement with everything I plan to do. Ever since she and her bf got in that fight a few weeks ago she's kind of stopped talking to me; I called her two days ago to see if she had plans today Friday and if she wanted to go ice skating; she said her dad was off work but she'd let me know. Hasn't let me known and it's night time, Friday. So I guess it's not worth wasting time on this flake, maybe something will come up in the future. Save that for sappy romances. Instead, if you're confident that she likes you, go in for the kill. Offer her a massage, give her a kiss, whatever.. I hope everything works out for ya. Right now, it's all about fun. The serious crap comes later. I totally agree with you actually, I just needed to hear it to be snapped back into reality. Anyways, when I drop her gift off tomorrow or tonight, should I just wing it and tell her how I feel? I mean she still seems into her boyfriend but you're right I don't see it lasting for the rest of high school. I'm just going to tell her when I drop my gift off; hope it turns out well. Thanks for the advice, I really needed it! They will say they do. They may even believe that's something they want. The simple truth is that it's just not true. First, go back and read what I wrote before. Does she do any of these things? Does she giggle a lot when she's around you? These are all signs that she's into you, no matter if she's got a guy or not. If they're into a guy, they will do things that will show him that they're into them. You just have to step back and see for yourself if she does any of that.. Ok, back to the princess bit. Try to understand things from her point of view. If she really wanted to be treated like a princess, she would go out and find an unconfident wuss. Instead, she keeps going back to the guy that gives her excitement. He's not some boring dude that sits around waiting on her hand and foot. No, he's a confident, arrogant bastard. She likes the confidence. She likes the ego. What she doesn't like is him treating her like crap. So you walk in.. She wouldn't have invited you to the parade. Read between the lines here man, she's into you, but you're too busy being a wuss to stand up and go after her. You don't want to go there - there are things in that place that no man should ever see. And, seriously, the only time you get a chick a princess shirt and a tiara is if you're going to tease her. Once you start getting down on your knees and kissing her feet then you'll be lost forever. That should be obvious. Where should you go? I would suggest a local sports pub; or anywhere that will give you a good dose of testosterone. She started coming on to you, you got scared and backed away. Now it's time to man up and go find your confidence again. So she has a boyfriend - big deal. If it was serious then he wouldn't treat her like crap and she wouldn't all up on you. They aren't going to last, so forget about him. If you keep sitting back second guessing yourself then you'll never know if she likes you or not. Do whatever it was that you did to attract her to you in the first place. Tease her a little, make her laugh, show her that you aren't afraid of her.. You'll have gained a little experience and know better what to do next time. I would say something about millions of fish in the sea, but hell, you already know that. Just go and do what needs to be done. A few weeks ago, this girl switched into one of my classes. Anyways, I am friends with most of her friends and one of her best friends. The next day, which was a Friday, I got a random text from a number I didn't know and it turned out to be her. I guess she'd gotten my number from friends; anyways, she invited me to this Parade thing that Saturday, so I went. Her best friend and another mutual friend of ours went. Not too much happened, we just went to lunch after and hung out for a bit. The next day we got together to work on schoolwork with other friends. Few days later, we played the question game. She asked me what I look for in a girl, and also said that it feels like we've known each other for so much more than just a week. When I see her in the halls, sometimes she'll just bump into me and keep walking, and in class we are constantly just laughing or smiling I sit next to her , it's always a fun time in class! But then, I found out she had a boyfriend and they've been together for over a year, off and on. Recently a friend of mine told me that he treats her pretty badly especially around his friends and she said that they don't even act like a real couple. No spark or something. Anyways, i'm so confused right now.. I really like her, we get along so well, and it's incredibly easy to talk to her and act myself around her. But this dilemma; I have no idea what to do! Yesterday apparently he did something and made her cry, and she hasn't talked to me since it happened she said she'd tell me but hasn't yet. I called her last night after my game and left a message.. My biggest question is whether or not she's interested in me and why she is still with this asshole. I'd do anything to get her eventually; wait, not wait, whatever. Also she said once to someone that she wanted to be treated like a princess for once.. I was thinking about just getting her this shirt and this cheap tiara for Christmas; just to hint that I'd treat her like one! GIVE ME INPUT AND ADVICE! If the questions I need to know were unclear, here are a few. Does she like me? How should I go from here? I left out a lot of info in the thing because I ran out of space... Oh also every time we talk she does get really close and just looks straight into my eyes, unless we're laughing in which case we just both laugh. Also, our moms met and apparently she told her mom about me not sure what she said, but I think she just said I was smart and took hard classes and i'm also half korean, like her.. And at this meeting thing for school, my best friend was there and she asked me if we were good friends and I said yes. Next day, he tells me that she tries to talk to him about me but he didn't realize it until after and he just kinda left. It was the first time she talked to him this year. I guess if she's talking about me that's good but I still feel weird with this boyfriend; she usually talks to me all of the time but I haven't talked to her for a day or two so far; I guess i'll keep waiting till Monday when I see her. Im thinking Of not doing the tiara thing since she has a boyfriend though. Goes against my morals. Anyways yeah it seems like she's not as into me as when we first met but who knows, uh so confused. It just makes me think of some bad Johnny Cash song. So think about it this way; the typical guy always tries his hardest to impress chicks. Even if the chick is dog-ugly, he's still got his game on. He'll tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear. Right there is the problem - what he thinks you want to hear and what he says are two different things. He'll tell you about how many chicks that he's been with because he thinks you'll be impressed - if he's been with that many, he should be a catch, right? Chances are he caught something, but we won't mention that here. He'll tell you that he's got nine inches and he knows how to use it because, well, that's all he thinks about. If he's interested in you then there's going to be some awkward conversations - especially if he's young and inexperienced. If these guys you're hanging out with are older, it's time to pick a new crowd. The more guys mature, the more they learn how to play the game. At some point, they realize that it's not a game anymore and that's when they can start to appreciate serious relationships. On the other hand... If this happens all the time then you need to take a look at yourself. If you're the type that always tries to fix other people's problems - stop. Grow some chick-balls and assert yourself. Next time some guy starts telling you about that then calmly pull out your paint-ball gun, point it at his manhood, and fire. Remember to smile as you do it, guys love confident women. Seriously, if you allow it, it'll just keep happening. I'm female of course, but why does the opposite sex tend to tell me everything that females wouldn't usually hear about. I understand asking for advice, but telling me about their sexual experience, personal down there things, dreams, etc. They tell me anything and aren't ashamed. It's like they think I can answer anything and can help but I'm just another girl. Do they not notice that I'm a girl or like just that comfortable with telling me anything? I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and it wasn't a good thing. Look at it this way.. So the chick has a guy that she's been seein' for awhile, then she meets you. You're all up on cloud 9. You two date for a few weeks.. Thing is, if a chick dumps another guy for you, she'll do the same thing to you later on. Sure, there's those rare exceptions, but they're extremely rare. It's always better to find someone who's not attached and save yourself a lot of heartache in the end. Now if you're just looking to hook up... That's a bad place to be, especially if you're into this chick. So, you only have two questions to ask yourself: How hot are her friends and are any of the hot ones single? Flash forward a bit.. Alright, you two play around a bit - you tease her a bit, she playfully punches your arm - but when it comes down to it, she's afraid to admit her feelings. It's that fear of rejection thing going on again.. Once you get over it then you'll never be without a date. Take her out somewhere nice and when the opportunity seems right, slip her a little tongue. If you don't get slapped, you're in the clear. If you do, quit worrying about it and get on with life. There's a million other chicks out there just waitin'.. I've always loved the shy girls. Innocent, sweet, and easy to tease. Once they warm up a bit, they're usually a lot of fun to be around - and they tend to go wild in certain areas, if you know what I mean... If you're into her then don't hold back. My old man always told me, finding a chick is a lot like buying a sweater. You try one on to see if it fits and looks good. If not, you put it back and go on to the next. After trying a few on then eventually you'll find the right one that just fits. I finished my coffee, and read my paper, so I'm all good now. When it comes to dating, it's not that complicated. In fact, if you go into it with the simplicity of a child I believe that you'll have a lot better experiences - and that goes for all relationships. People try to make things bigger than they are, but it's just life - plain and simple. Dating can be extremely complicated, but at the same time uniquely simple. I believe that it is all in what you make it. I'm sure she'll find the perfect man.. It's always good on here to hear from a fellow Oklahoman! Sonic, that's the key: Simplicity. It always takes a few hard bumps to the noggin to figure these points out, but once the lessons are learned, you can spot attraction from a mile away.. If you never try, you'll never learn. I know, hard to believe.. Passthejelly, As always, it's easier said than done.. But, as they say, knowledge is power. The more you know about dating, the more successful you'll be. Meteoboy, Body language is important in all aspects of life - not just dating. If you can gauge how a client reacts, you can tailor your proposal to them.. I believe that highly successful people understand more about body language than most. Thanks all for the comments! I've been offline, so apologies for the late responses.. Perhaps the thing I appreciate most about it is how you emphasize the SIMPLICITY of attraction. So far, I'm enjoying the hublife. It just doesn't work like that. Everyone is different, and yet, everyone is the same. I think it's all about your attitude and outlook on life. Either the person is interested, or they aren't - why worry about it? If they're not, then move on and get on with life.. Thanks for the comment. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. 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Girl born without a face finds 'sister' across the world
CLICK THE IMAGE TO LEARN HOW TO GET LAID ON TINDER Join The Revolution Subscribe now and get instant access to the latest, cutting edge tips on mind, si, spirit, money, women and lifestyle. I have never heard her say that she wished she had a sister. The thing is, if you're not confident enough to approach a woman, then you'll never met her. The standard is 1-3 dates. Retrieved February 5, 2014. The idea found its niche as part of The WB's lineup and aired for four additional seasons on the network, with the final episode airing on May 23, 1999. We're not talking about assult here, just playful teasing.
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